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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Remembrance Sunday Parade Travel Information - Salford, Eccles and Swinton

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A notice from Salford City Council, plans can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Remembrance Sunday Parade (Eccles)

A road closure will be in effect on Sunday 11 November between the hours of approximately 8.30am and 11.30am on the following section of highway: 

  • Church Street, Eccles both directions between Corporation Road and the junctions with Irwell Place and Regent Street.

The full closure is required to enable this year’s Remembrance Sunday Parade to take place.

In addition to the closure slow moving traffic can also be expected along the route highlighted below for the procession between the hours of 10am and 11am. 

Diversions for the closure will be signed via the local highway network dependant on direction of approach.

As this year’s Remembrance Sunday marks one hundred years, numbers of participants are expected to be considerably higher and therefore delays could be longer.

Remembrance Sunday Parade (Swinton)

A road closure will be in effect on Sunday 11 November between the hours of approximately 8.30am and 11.30am on the following section of highway: 

  • A6 Chorley Road, Swinton, both directions between the junctions of the A572 Worsley Road and Partington Lane (expect for local access).

The full closure is required to enable this year’s Remembrance Sunday Parade to take place. 

In addition to the closure slow moving traffic can also be expected along the route highlighted below for the procession between the hours of 10am and 11am. 

Diversions for the closure will be signed via the A572 Worsley Road – B5231 Partington Lane and vice versa.

As this year’s Remembrance Sunday marks one hundred years, numbers of participants are expected to be considerably higher and therefore delays could be longer.

Remembrance Sunday Parade (Salford)

A road closure will be in effect on Sunday 11 November between the hours of approximately 8.30am and 11.30am on the following section of highway: 

  • A6 The Crescent, Salford, both directions between the on slip for the A5063 Albion Way and Adelphi Street. 

The full closure is required to enable this year’s Remembrance Sunday Parade to take place. 

In addition to the closure slow moving traffic can also be expected along the route highlighted below for the procession between the hours of 10am and 11am.