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Code of Conduct

Sharing foot paths and public spaces with pedestrians: a Code of Conduct

In most circumstances, cyclists and pedestrians are able to co-exist happily when they use the same routes and space, but mutual respect and consideration are a vital part of this. The MediaCityUK Code of Conduct helps encourage responsible behaviour on shared-use footpaths and public spaces.

Shared-use areas are popular with people who are looking for motor-traffic free routes, either for leisure or for getting to work or the shops. Inconsiderate usage undermines the tranquility of these paths and is particularly intimidating for people with reduced mobility, or who have hearing or vision difficulties.

Speeding along shared-use paths is also a growing problem with the increase of cyclists riding for fitness training or to record personal bests. Activities such as these are much better suited to quiet roads.

To encourage harmonious interaction on shared-use space at MediaCityUK, we ask all workers, residents and visitors, along with our stakeholders involved in the promotion of cycling, to support the MediaCityUK Code of Conduct (click here to open PDF version).