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Electric Car

Get switched on

Thinking of going electric?

Cut your running costs, maintenance and carbon emissions and go electric. With convenient charging points what isn’t there to love?

To find out how much it would cost to run an electric car compared to a conventional petrol or diesel car click here.


evyve is delighted to announce the installation of 10 Network connected chargers at MediaCityUK in Manchester to provide charging points for electric vehicles in the site’s multi story car park.

evyve said “A lack of charging infrastructure is often cited as one of the biggest barriers to EV adoption in the UK. evyve are committed to supporting the roll-out of this infrastructure to create a safe and secure charging network for vehicles in convenient locations. evyve are excited to take on the existing chargers at MediaCityUK and will soon be installing an additional 10 within the car park.”

How does it work?

Click here to access the evyve Network – Charger User Guide and click here to get the evyve app.

Considering going electric? Check out these useful links

For more advice on electric cars click here and here

Car Charging Point Finder Tool

In order to promote sustainable and green automotive solutions for the consumer carwow has developed an interactive Electric Car charging point finder tool. This will help EV and hybrid car owners find the nearest electric vehicle charging stations.

You can view the live interactive tool by clicking here.