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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Stop, Collaborate and listen to MediaCityUK’s latest addition


Retro bicycle themed café Love Conquers All has launched its summer pop-up ‘Behind the Bike Sheds’ next door to the soon to open Cycle Hub.

Dedicated to all things 90s, it will serve a range of themed refreshments to take you down memory lane including retro pop, frozen jubblies and mix ups  from a kiosk in the heart of MediaCityUK.

Carla Tomlinson, owner of Love Conquers All said; “Many of our cycling community rave about this era and in a nod to  our regular cycling crowd and the fact it’s based right next door to the Cycle Hub it made sense to call it ‘Behind the Bike Sheds’. For people on the move, it’s the perfect place to grab a quick drink and chill out.”

Behind the Bike Sheds is open from 12 noon until late and will be open throughout the Summer until October this year.