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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Christmas travel plans are in your pocket

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Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) have published details of all Christmas transport services in a handy pocket-guide, and on the TfGM website

The new guide gives a summary of all public transport services from Monday 23 December to Friday 3 January, including Metrolink, buses, Free bus and Metroshuttle, and local trains. It also has details of Ring & Ride and Local Link, as well as Travelshop and Customer Services opening times. 

Graham Banks, TfGM’s Travel Demand Management Manager, said:

“There are always some changes to services over the Christmas period - it’s really important to us that people can easily find out what the changes are, so they can plan their travel.

“That’s why we’ve put all the details into a pocket guide, so that it’ll be easy for customers to check what the arrangements will be, whether they're heading out for last minute shopping or off to the match!

“We’ll be giving travel advice on Twitter, too, so make sure to follow @OfficialTfGM and @MCRMetrolink if you use social media.”

The Christmas services pocket-guide is available to view online, and people can pick up a copy from TfGM Travelshops, at bus stations, and interchanges across Greater Manchester.