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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Salford Cycling and Walking Forum Tuesday 15 September

Guest User

A message from Salford City Council:

Hi All

The next Cycling and walking forum will be held on Tuesday 15 September at 6:30 The forum will start promptly at 6:30 and run for no more than 2 hours. We will be holding it online via Microsoft teams. You do not need any software and this can be accessed through any web browser.

Online webinar link

We also have an Eventbrite page for people without access to our Facebook page:

The forum is a chance for people within Salford to hear about the schemes that Salford City Council and its partners are working on to help improve and promote walking and cycling, as well as anyone who is interested or wants to know more about walking and cycling in Salford.

On this month's agenda we have the following presentations:

  • An update on the current Bee Network Schemes within Salford as well as temporary measures that have been introduced

  • City Centre Modal Filter update

  • Cycle September

  • Cycling in Salford and the work of the Health Improvement Team

  • Walk Ride Salford

For more discussion please check out the Walking and Cycling Facebook page:

Future Forums will be held every 3 months for more information please go to Salford City Council's web page:


Andrew Fisher

Sustainable Transport Coordinator

Salford City Council