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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

The School Run

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The school journey is a perfect opportunity for children to learn about their local area, develop wider social networks and gain independence.The average primary school journey is just 1.5 miles, and yet one in five cars on the road during the morni…

The school journey is a perfect opportunity for children to learn about their local area, develop wider social networks and gain independence.

The average primary school journey is just 1.5 miles, and yet one in five cars on the road during the morning peak are doing the school run.

Encouraging children to walk, cycle and scoot will reduce congestion and pollution around the school gates. It will also help your child’s mental and physical health. Teachers find that pupils who walk and cycle arrive at school more relaxed, alert and ready to start the day than those who travel by car.

Cycling to school

Nearly half of children surveyed by Sustrans in 2010 wanted to cycle to school but only 4% were allowed to. The biggest concern of adults when it comes to children walking and cycling to school is traffic danger.

To read the article in full with further details on children's cycling safety - click here.